Thanksgiving Workout 2009. Finisher: DB Suicide Runs

Uploaded on Nov 22, 2009 / 46 views / 52 impressions / 1 comment


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DB Suicide Run (5min)

Grab a pair of dumbells. Mark off 4 points at least 5 yards apart from each other. Run with 1-DB to 1st point. Put DB down. Run back to start and pick up 2nd dumbbell. Turn & run to 2nd point and put dumbbell down. Run back to start touch line, turn and run to 1st dumbbell. Pick it up and return to start. Put DB down. Run to 2nd point, pick up DB, turn and run back to start. Put touch line and turn and run to 3rd point. Put DB down. Turn and run back to start, pick up 1st DB. Turn and run to 4th point. Put DB down. Turn & run to start, touch line. Turn and run to 3rd point. Pick DB up and return to start. Put DB down and run to 4th point. Pick up DB and run back to start. Put DB down. Start over and repeat until 5 minutes are up.


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