Thanksgiving Workout 2009. Static Stretch Cool Down (5min)

Uploaded on Nov 22, 2009 / 48 views / 61 impressions / 0 comments


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Static Stretch (5min):
Hold each stretch for 15 seconds. You get 5 seconds to switch to the next stretch. Relax and enjoy this cool down as your muscles lengthen and you feel a sense of calm overcome you. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Feel your stomach rise with each inhale and your stomach fall with each exhale.

1. Forward Bend
2. Deep Squat
3. Deep Squat Right Arm to Sky
4. Deep Squat Left Arm to Sky
5. Stride Back Right Leg
6. D-Day Flag Raise
7. ½ Kneeling Triceps Pull
8. Stride Back Left Leg
9. D-Day Flag Raise
10. ½ Kneeling Triceps Pull
11. R-Arm Lat Pull
12. L-Arm Lat Pull
13. R-Arm Chest Push
14. L-Arm Chest Push
15. 2-Hands Behind Back Overhead Shoulder Reach


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