V11 Feature Packs - How to Base a Chart on a Custom Series Part 4
Uploaded on Aug 16, 2013 / 66 views / 231 impressions / 0 comments
FP11_DLGCHART3 Alpha Five v11 Chart northwind example into to custom series 4
In FP11_DLGCHART1, we demonstrated a chart that displayed summary data from the sample Northwind database. In this video, we explore this Dialog Component in detail. First, we describe the concept behind the "custom" series type. Next, we go into an in-depth explanation of the code that makes the chart work. We discuss the custom SQL query that is used to get the data that the "custom" series type will return. We show how the data submitted from the dropdown controls are used in the SQL query, and we discuss how changing a value in either of the dropdown controls on the Dialog triggers an Ajax callback to refresh the chart.