Keynote Speech by President Barack Obama at CGI-2014
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Well, good afternoon, everybody. And, President Clinton, thank you for your very kind introduction. Although I have to admit, I really did like the speech a few weeks ago a little bit better. (Laughter.) Afterwards, somebody tweeted that somebody needs to make him "Secretary of Explaining Things." (Laughter.) Although they didn’t use the word, "things." (Laughter.)
President Clinton, you are a tireless, passionate advocate on behalf of what's best in our country. You have helped to improve and save the lives of millions of people around the world. I am grateful for your friendship and your extraordinary leadership. And I think I speak for the entire country when we say that you continue to be a great treasure for all of us. (Applause.)
As always, I also have to thank President Clinton for being so understanding with the record-breaking number of countries visited by our Secretary of State. (Laughter and applause.) As we’v e seen again in recent days, Hillary Clinton is a leader of grace and grit -- and I believe she will go down as one of the finest Secretaries of State in American history. So we are grateful to her. (Applause.)