Supports and Tools for Elder Abuse Prevention, Resources from NCEA and n4a

Uploaded on Mar 21, 2019 / 317 views / 1040 impressions / 0 comments


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We all deserve to live healthy and happy lives that are free from abuse. Yet older people are mistreated more often than we think. The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), in partnership with the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), launched the STEAP (Supports and Tools for Elder Abuse Prevention) Initiative to support and enhance the Aging Network's elder abuse prevention education and outreach activities. This webinar will introduce practical and customizable tools your agency can use to engage and educate your community about the role everyone can play in preventing abuse.

●Julie Schoen, JD, Deputy Director, National Center on Elder Abuse
●Kimmy Moon, Project Assistant, National Center on Elder Abuse
●Patrice Earnest, Director, Eldercare Locator, n4a


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