The Personal Journey of Brazilian Leader Thais Corral
Uploaded on Apr 04, 2016 / 7 views / 148 impressions / 0 comments
In this program, Hazel Henderson explores with award-winning civic leader, recognized in Brazil by the UN, Thais Corral, co-author of Leadership Is Global, her personal story. Thais and her family came to Brazil from Spain, bringing their entrepreneurial skills and creativity. Thais, a lifelong learner, spent years studying in Italy, other European countries, and the USA at the University of Chicago and Harvard. She innovated 400 radio programs broadcasted to empower women across Brazil and became a co-founder of the global Women’s Environment Development Organization (WEDO) with US Congresswoman Bella Abzug. Thais then founded the learning and leadership programs at Sinal do Vale, a large estate 30 minutes from Rio De Janeiro’s mains airport, where participants learn all the tools of transition management first hand. Ethical Markets is partnering with Thais in this new educational program since Thais is a member of our global Advisory Board.