Buy Now, Ask Questions Later…

Uploaded on Sep 26, 2011 / 117 views / 151 impressions / 0 comments


Following on from yesterday’s article markets continue to see a brief wave of relief. Is this the bottom? Some may disagree but until we see progress from a global standpoint investing at these levels may prove to be a dangerous game. From an economic standpoint there are still many questions to be answered. The first being: How do we get out of this mess? What happens in the past will happen again. Sometimes the past can be as recent as just last week…


  • Lachlan
  • Market
  • McPherson
  • Profit
  • Australian
  • Elliot
  • Elliott
  • Investing
  • US
  • Update
  • 200
  • Wave
  • ASX
  • ProfitSource
  • Shares
  • Source
  • Trading