Building Android Apps with Jack Byrne of Start Software May 29 2024

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This week Jack Byrne from Start Software discusses methods for building Cordova applications and packaging them, including the new method utilizing Docker. Jack focuses on deploying apps to the Apple and Android stores using Cordova in Alpha Anywhere. He discusses different build options and the benefits of using Docker for a more streamlined process. Docker is a containerization platform that allows users to build the Cordova application without installing additional software on their machine. The speaker compares the use of Docker to the command line interface (CLI) and Ionic Outflow for building apps in the cloud, highlighting the benefits of each option. The video demonstrates how to build an Android app using Docker in Alpha and discusses the advantages of using Ionic Appflow for app development, specifically for version control and building apps in the cloud. The speaker successfully builds an Android app using various methods, including Cordova CLI, Docker, and Appflow, and expresses satisfaction with the build output. The video concludes with the speaker expressing appreciation for the webinar attendees and encouraging them to send any questions to Guides at Galpas Interested individuals can visit Start Software at


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