Engagement Party - Memorial Day Weekend @ Ocean City, NJ

Uploaded on May 26, 2008 / 756 views / 1837 impressions / 12 comments


Austin McGrath and Chelsea Fish ( Dana's Sister ) are having there engagement party in Ocean City, NJ at families vacation house.
This was all brought with big thanks to the FlipVideo and iMovie 6.
Total Footage shot: 2 hours
Final Edit: 12 minutes
Total Time Editing: 2 hours
I am going to doing this more often as I finally have a workflow that works without ending up with all this extra video footage that takes too long to edit!


  • austinchelsea
  • flipvideo
  • oceancitynj
  • oceancity
  • engagementparty
  • beerdistributor 0:31
  • drinking prank 1:04
  • dr.fish 8:44
  • circleliquors 0:31
  • marina 6:19
  • beach 0:51
  • chelsea 6:19