US Markets Move Higher Whilst Australian Markets Take a Sick-Day

Uploaded on Oct 26, 2011 / 174 views / 211 impressions / 0 comments


When I emailed the ASX 200 to see what was going on this morning, I got this:
“Thanks for your email, we finally caught the Eurozone cold. The Australian Market has taken a day off and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
Ok, well not quite, but it doesn’t look like today’s issue is at all a ‘minor glitch’, still, markets will need to play catch-up. It was a stressful day for US Markets, click today’s video to see why…


  • Profit
  • McPherson
  • Shares
  • ProfitSource
  • Trading
  • Source
  • Update
  • US
  • ASX
  • 200
  • Wave
  • Elliot
  • Australian
  • Investing
  • Elliott
  • Market
  • Lachlan