THRiiiVE - Autism/Summits & Keith's offer to help!
Uploaded on Nov 20, 2008 / 83 views / 103 impressions / 0 comments
It may not have been clear but Keith Morey is the owner of and he specializes in offering specific supplement protocols for people and then he walks them through on the phone. He will provide specific changes based on the clients response. He is incredibly successful with adults with all different problems and he might be a very good place for anyone curious about supplements to start. He is simply a health consultant who uses a plethora of high quality tools. Because he attended 3 of our summits on Autism...I would love for his knowledge to be taken advantage of!!! Make sure you leave feedback here to guide others if you take him up on his offer! We did not discuss any sortof price structure...but I am sure the first few he will be eager to work within whatever kind of budget just to get started. After that I will work to have him to make it cost-efficient and bare bones.