V11 Feature Packs - Advanced Tab Control in the Dialog Component Part 1 - Conditional Tab

Uploaded on Aug 16, 2013 / 104 views / 277 impressions / 0 comments


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FP11_DLG_ADVTAB Alpha Five v11 Conditional tab part 1

The standard Tab control object in the Dialog allows you to group Dialog controls into a series of "panes". When the Dialog is run, the user clicks on a tab button to show the corresponding tab pane. However, clicking on a tab button is not the only way in which you might want to change the active pane. With this Feature Pack, other methods for selecting the active pane are exposed. The various ways in which the active tab pane can be selected are: User clicks a tab button, Programmatic - some Javascript code is executed, Automatic - a client-side "watch" expression determines which tab pane is active, Timer - a timer automatically cycles between the tab panes (Note: The features shown here will only be available to you if you have the Feature Pack installed). In this video we give an overview of the Advanced Tab Control.


  • Alpha Five v11
  • ftp