V11 Repository Table - Managing Records in the Repository
Uploaded on Aug 16, 2013 / 82 views / 258 impressions / 0 comments
M22 Managing Records In The Repository
This video is aimed at advanced users who use the Repository feature in V11. The video shows how you can create a Grid to manage the records in the Repository that "belong" to the current component. For example, when you save search criteria from the Search Part of a Grid to the Repository, the search is saved with the GUID of the current component. This is important because when you load a saved search, you only want the user to see the saved searches that "belong" to the current component. If you want to manage the records in the Repository (by creating a Grid that is based on the Repository table), you might want to filter the records in the Repository based on the GUID of a particular component. Say you have a Grid called "Customers" and you want to put a button on this Grid to show the Repository entries that belong to this Grid. You can do this by setting the filter on the target Grid to componentGuid = ComponentGuid()