[Spanish Interpretation] 9-24 PRAXIS Navigating Landscapes More Than Pronouns Strengthening Support for LGBTQ2S+
9-24 PRAXIS Navigating Landscapes More Than Pronouns Strengthening Support for LGBTQ2S+ Webinar English Captions
Praxis Talks Story Exploring Social Justice Advocacy with Immigrant and Farmer Worker Communities in Rural Areas
ALC Class S Strategy Session, Feb 2020--Build your case learn more about problematic institutional responses
ALC Class R Strategy Session, Jan. 2020--Change from Within: Organizing Our Programs for Community Advocacy
ALC Class R Strategy Session, Nov 2019--Transformative Justice Monsoon Asians and Pac Islanders in Solidarity
Rural webinar January 27, 2019--Roles, Tasks, Responsibilities for Coordinators in a Coordinated Community Response (e-learning)
ALC Class Q Strategy Session, January 24, 2019--How to learn more about problematic institutional responses
Blueprint for Safety Webinar, January 2019–Building and Sustaining an Effective Response to Domestic Violence Crimes The Blueprint for Safety St. Paul Success 8 Years Later
ALC Class Q Strategy Session December 20, 2018--Are you Ready? Organizing our programs for institutional advocacy
IATA Webinar December 4, 2018--Supporting Safety Together: Reviewing Child Protective Services Policies, Forms, and Case Records
ALC Class R Strategy Session, November 2018--Be the Change: Organizing our programs for social change advocacy
Rural webinar Nov 2018--Interpreting for Domestic Violence and Sexual assault Victims and Survivors in Rural Communities
IATA Webinar November 15, 2018--Uncovering Disparity: Safety & Accountability Audit Design and Data Collection
ALC Keynote October 2018--Strategies for Engaging Girls of Color to End Social Inequities, Joanne Smith, Girls for Gender Equity
ALC Class Q Strategy Session, Aug. 2018--Be the Change: Organizing our programs for social change advocacy
ALC Class P Strategy Session Aug 2018--Expanding Our Vision: Learning from other movements through ALC Site Visits
ALC P Strategy Session July 2018--Change from Within: Organizing our programs for community advocacy
ALC Keynote July 2018--Garden of Truth: Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women, Nicole Matthews
ALC Q Intro 2 June 2018--Getting Started: The Advocacy Learning Center and the Movement to End Violence Against Women
ALC Class Q Intro 1 June 2018--Getting Started: The Advocacy Learning Center and the Movement to End Violence Against Women
IATA webinar June 2018--what is best practice for victim witness services, bail setting and pretrial release
Blueprint for Safety webinar, May 2018--Improving Responses to Domestic Violence Crimes with the Blueprint for Safety
Rural webinar, October 2015--Community-based and System-based Advocacy Collaborating for Victim Safety and Offender Accountability [Rural AIR Toolkit]
Rural webinar Nov 2017--Child Protective Services Advocating for Safety for Battered Mothers and Their Children Together
ALC Class O Strategy Session, May 2017--Build your Case How to learn more about problematic institutional responses and potential solutions
ALC Class O Strategy Session, April 2017--Are you Ready Organizing our programs for institutional advocacy
ALC Class P Strategy Session August 2017-Be the Change:Organizing our programs for social change advocacy
Blueprint for Safety webinar, July 2017--The Probation Response: Messengers of Help and Accountability
Blueprint for Safety webinar, June 2017--Text Analysis: Reading Between the Lines of Our Response to Domestic Violence
Rural webinar, May 2017--When Victims of Battering are Charged with Crimes: Exploring Effective Advocacy Responses
Rural Building Blocks webinar, March 2017--Roles, Tasks, Responsibilities for Coordinators in a Coordinated Community Response (e-learning)
Blueprint for Safety webinar, February 2017--The Difference You Make: Law Enforcement and the Blueprint for Safety
ALC AD Mar2016--Working with Intersecting Social Justice Movements: Collaborating and Being Allies (audio only)
IATA webinar Oct 2016--Assessing for Core Practices in Criminal Justice System Response to Domestic Violence: Using the Best Practice Assessment Guides to Analyze 911 & Patrol
ALC Class L Strategy Session webinar, July 2016--Re-visioning Masculinity to End Violence Against Women
IATA Webinar August 2013 Building the Domestic Violence Case Best Practices in Patrol & Investigation
IATA Webinar April 2013 Community Highlight: Analyzing Case Files and Documents to Identify Gaps in Your System’s Response
IATA Jan. 2016 Retooling Your Coordinated Community Response: How Institutional Analysis can transform your approach to system reform
IATA May 2016 Learning from Survivors: The Beginning, the Middle, and the End of Community Assessments