Perspective Helps Everything: Looking Back at Viddler Content
Back in the early 2010s, video sharing platforms like Viddler provided creators with spaces to share educational, motivational, and how-to content. This page acknowledges content that was once hosted at this location by user "paulspades" on, a video hosting service that operated from 2006 to 2022.
About the Original Content
The video that previously existed at this location appears to have been titled "Perspective Helps Everything" and may have included information about unlocking a Nintendo Wii console. This content was referenced in a 2010 blog post on that discussed the importance of maintaining perspective in life's challenges.
The Theme of Perspective
Based on the referring page, the theme of "perspective" centered around how our outlook dramatically affects our experiences. The blog post that linked to this video discussed completing a juice cleanse and how viewing partial completion as success rather than failure represented a healthier perspective.
The original article emphasized two key points that likely aligned with the video's message:
- Taking action, even imperfect action, leads to more progress than never trying
- Starting each day by focusing on the positive aspects of yesterday's accomplishments creates momentum for today's efforts
Where to Find Similar Content
While the original Viddler video is no longer available, those interested in motivational content about maintaining perspective might find value in:
- TED Talks on mindset and perspective
- YouTube channels focused on personal development
- Podcasts about growth mindset and resilience
- Books on cognitive reframing and positive psychology
A Note About Viddler was a video hosting platform that operated for over 15 years before closing in 2022. During its operation, it hosted countless educational, entertaining, and informative videos from creators around the world. This page serves as an acknowledgment of content that was once valuable to visitors seeking information about perspective and possibly Nintendo Wii modifications.
If you're looking for specific information about unlocking a Nintendo Wii console, current video platforms like YouTube may contain updated tutorials and guides that reflect modern best practices.