Viddler Archive

Test-Driven Ruby Development Resources: Archived Content from Viddler

This page serves as an archive reference for content that was previously hosted on, a video hosting platform that operated from 2006 to 2022. The original video content titled "TesztvezĂ©relt trĂĽkköslĂ¡da | Ruby, Rails, Web2.0" is no longer available as Viddler has discontinued its services.

About the Original Content

The video content was linked from Ruby Railways and focused on test-driven development (TDD) tools and techniques for Ruby and Rails development. Based on the associated text, the content was likely a Hungarian-language resource discussing various testing tools and methodologies essential for Ruby developers.

Key Topics Covered in the Original Resource

While the video content is no longer accessible, the linked page suggests it covered several important test-driven development concepts:

Alternative Resources for Test-Driven Development in Ruby

If you're looking for test-driven development resources for Ruby and Rails, consider exploring these modern alternatives:

Historical Context

The original content appears to have been created by Pat Eyler and translated by the Rubylation Network into multiple languages including Hungarian. It was part of a series on test-driven development tools, designed to help developers build more reliable code through systematic testing approaches.

According to the context provided on the linking page, the original resource emphasized how TDD enables developers to quickly build functional initial versions of applications that can be easily redesigned later, with confidence that the existing functionality works correctly.

Note: This page serves as an archive reference for content previously hosted on The original video content is no longer available due to the discontinuation of the Viddler service.