Viddler Archive

The Protection Racket Reigns Supreme: Archived Political Commentary from Viddler

This page serves as an archive reference for video content that was previously hosted on under the user account "doctoramerica". Viddler, a video hosting platform that operated from 2006 to 2022, is no longer active, and the original video content is no longer available.

Original Content Overview

The videos once hosted at this location were linked from ArkansasFreedom.Net under the title "The Protection Racket reigns supreme" and appear to have contained political commentary related to Arkansas state government and fiscal policy concerns from early 2009.

Based on the context of the linking page, the content likely addressed:

Historical Context

The content was published on January 2, 2009, during a period of significant economic concern following the 2008 financial crisis. The commentary appears to have been directed at members of the Arkansas State Legislature as they prepared for a new legislative session.

The core message seemed to focus on government accountability, particularly questioning public education spending habits during a time of economic hardship for many citizens.

About Viddler and Digital Archives was once a popular video hosting service that allowed users to upload and share video content with customized commenting and interaction features. Many blogs and websites from the 2006-2022 era embedded Viddler videos as part of their political commentary, news reporting, and educational content.

While the original video content is no longer accessible, this page acknowledges the historical significance of digital political discourse that took place during this period in Arkansas politics.

Related Resources

Those interested in Arkansas political history and commentary from this period may wish to explore:

This page serves as a reference point for content previously hosted on The original video content is no longer available as Viddler ceased operations in 2022.