Viddler Archive

Halo 3 Matchmaking Skill Level Tips: Archive of Former Viddler Content

Welcome to our archive page dedicated to preserving information about gaming content that was previously hosted on, a video sharing platform that operated from 2006 to 2022.

What Was Previously on This Page

This page serves as a reference point for content that was once available at under the username "datingon95". The original video content focused on tips and strategies for improving skill levels in Halo 3 Matchmaking, a popular competitive multiplayer mode in the classic Xbox 360 game released by Bungie in 2007.

The Viddler video was referenced in a community discussion on where players were exchanging strategies for improving their competitive ranking in Halo 3's matchmaking system.

Halo 3 Skill Ranking System: A Brief Overview

For those who may be searching for this information, Halo 3's matchmaking system utilized a skill-based ranking algorithm that assigned players numerical ratings (1-50) across different playlists. Improving these rankings was a significant focus for competitive players during Halo 3's peak popularity.

Common Strategies for Improving Halo 3 Skill Levels

While the original video content is no longer available, here are some timeless tips that were commonly shared for improving Halo 3 matchmaking skills:

Finding Modern Alternatives

While the original Viddler content is no longer accessible, the Halo community continues to thrive. For modern Halo gameplay tips and competitive strategies, you might consider checking:

If you're interested in the evolution of competitive Halo, you might want to explore content about newer titles in the franchise, including Halo Infinite, which continues the tradition of skill-based matchmaking with its own ranking system.

While we cannot recover the specific content that was once hosted on Viddler, we hope this page serves as a useful reference point for those looking for information about Halo 3 competitive strategies.