Viddler Archive

Portable Solar Generator - Archive of GraceRileyDW's Viddler Content

About This Archived Content

This page serves as an archive reference for video content that was previously hosted on by user GraceRileyDW. The original video showcased a portable solar generator that was highlighted on the MoreLux WordPress blog in March 2011. was a video hosting platform that operated from 2006 to 2022, similar to YouTube but with specialized features for businesses and content creators. Unfortunately, the original video content is no longer available as the Viddler platform has been discontinued.

The Portable Solar Generator

Based on information from the linking blog post, the video appears to have featured a portable solar generator with the following specifications:

Context and Historical Significance

In 2011, when this video was shared, portable solar technology was still relatively new and expensive for consumer markets. A 40-watt portable solar generator represented an emerging category of personal renewable energy solutions that has since expanded dramatically.

Today's equivalent products typically offer higher power output at lower prices, demonstrating how rapidly solar technology has advanced in affordability and efficiency over the past decade.

Related Topics on Renewable Energy

If you're interested in portable solar generators and renewable energy solutions, you might consider exploring these related topics:

While the original video content is no longer available, the topic of portable solar power continues to be relevant as renewable energy solutions become increasingly important in our daily lives.